Tuesday, 26 December 2023

M.V. Moana Roa's Happy Ending: Safe Arrival in Djibouti After Freak Accident at Sea

Date: December 27th 2023

In a remarkable turn of events, the missing vessel M.V. Moana Roa has been found safe and sound in the port of Djibouti, concluding the suspenseful search. The vessel's disappearance was attributed to a freak accident at sea, where a lightning strike rendered its radio, satellite navigation, and communication equipment non-functional.

Captain Michael Rice, drawing upon his extensive experience at sea, alongside his equally qualified navigator, successfully navigated the Moana Roa to Djibouti for necessary repairs. Faced with the inability to communicate and fearing the persistent threat of piracy off the Somali Coast, Captain Rice strategically guided the vessel further off-shore, deep into the Indian Ocean.

Opting for a route that led them to the relative safety of the Gulf of Aden, Captain Rice skillfully charted a course that ultimately brought the Moana Roa to the port of Djibouti. The vessel's crew, families, and the maritime community at large are celebrating this happy ending to what initially appeared to be a potentially dire situation.

The incident underscores the resilience and expertise of seafarers in navigating unforeseen challenges, showcasing the crucial role experience plays in maritime safety. The Moana Roa will undergo repairs in Djibouti before resuming its mission in support of IDAP's humanitarian efforts.

Captain Michael Rice, Master of the Moana Roa (file photo)

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